The Vet Whetstone’s festive food safety for dogs

The Vet Whetstone’s festive food safety for dogs

November 14, 2018

If you love food, Christmas can be a truly wonderful time of year – and your dog probably feels the same way. All those titbits and leftovers are a lot more interesting to them than their daily dog food, so of course they’re keen to enjoy whatever they can.

However, some foods can be damaging to your dog’s health, while others are downright dangerous. It’s therefore very important to be aware of these and avoid your pet coming into contact with them.

Take a look at our quick guide below to find out what your dog shouldn’t ingest – but if you suspect they’ve already eaten something they shouldn’t, don’t delay. Call us immediately on 020 8368 9798 so we can advise you.

Contact us in an emergency

Much as we love our clients here at The Vet Whetstone, we’d rather not see you over Christmas for urgent care.

Foods that your dog should NEVER eat include:

Chocolate – Many dogs love sweet stuff, but chocolate is actually poisonous for them (and for cats, too). The more they ingest, the more dangerous it can be, so make sure you don’t leave any chocolate treats lying around. Instead, buy your dog their own specially formulated alternative, which is available from most pet stores.

Poultry bones – Turkey bones (and those of other birds) can splinter easily and cause injury, both to your dog’s mouth and their insides. Instead, choose a safe option from a reputable pet store.

Grapes, raisins and nuts – These contain a toxin that is bad for your dog’s internal organs, so keep Christmas pudding, fruit cake, mince pies and fruit bowls out of reach.

Avocados – Often found in salads and starters, avocado is super-healthy for humans… but super-toxic for dogs. If your pet ingests even the tiniest amount, don’t hesitate to call us.

Other risks include cow’s milk (and cream), salty foods, onions, garlic and fat trimmings from meat.

Plus, if you want to avoid your dog becoming fussy about their daily food in January, don’t spoil them over the festive season with exciting new treats every day. You could end up asking our vet nurse Justina how to coax them back onto normal dog food…

Ask our advice about dog food

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