Your dog’s routine check-ups are important.

Your dog’s routine check-ups are important.

July 7, 2020

Whilst an emergency visit to our Oakleigh Road North surgery will focus on the specific issue of the day, ideally, you’ll come in to see us at least once a year for a routine check-up when your dog is well.

Book a routine check-up

Whilst we try to make that appointment as relaxing as possible, we thought we’d reveal a little bit about what we do in a regular check-up and offer five thoughts on why sticking to that annual check-up is important. Here’s what we’re looking for…

Weight and body condition

We’ll weigh your dog when you first get to the practice. We’re looking for significant or unexpected changes. The dogs we see tend to be more over than under-weight, a situation that can lead to an increased chance of Arthritis, Diabetes & Heart Disease.

The chat

We’ll ask you about how your dog is doing and enquire about any changes in appetite or behaviour that may give us an early indication. As we do that, we’ll physically check, nose to tail, for lumps, bumps & rashes to identify any issues you may not have spotted.

Dental check

Poor dental health can lead to a number of undesirable outcomes for dogs, thanks to the bacteria that thrive in unclean mouths. We’ll check their oral cavities and might suggest a professional clean or time with our nurses, who can help you master home cleaning.

Parasite prevention & control

Alongside dental care, the prevention & control of ticks, worms and fleas, forms part of the preventative regime we’re seeking to foster at the annual health check. Tied into the weight check we’ll ensure your treatment regime is correct.


Third in the list of key preventative healthcare actions are vaccinations. Specifically, we’ll check your dog’s vaccinations are up to date, administer boosters and book for the next booster appointment as required.

Age related issues

Like humans, dogs tend to need a little more care when they’re younger and older so if you’ve got a pup or an older dog it’s likely we’ll need to see you more often than once a year. This is nothing to worry about, it’s just us taking the best possible care of your pal.

Any other business?

As we get towards the end of the check-up, we’ll have time to discuss anything else that’s pertinent to your dog. From neutering to microchips and appetite to exercise, nothing’s off limits, so if you’ve got a question now’s the time to ask it.

And that’s it really, ideally all will be well, and you’ll book your next appointment as you leave. If you don’t have a next check-up booked, why not drop us a line today by phone on 020 8368 9798 or using the link below.

Book a routine check-up

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